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Now look in your inbox. You should get an email in a few minutes. It might be there already! 

The email contains download links for your free ebook. Click on the links, then look in your download folder or wherever else you save your files. Click on the downloaded file and enjoy! 

Now that you’re on the mailing list, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news from Lost Ottawa. We’ll let you know when we’ve started a new book, finished a new book, have special offers, or do anything else we think you’ll be interested in. We’ll definitely let you know when we have more freebies! 

We are big believers in privacy so we will never spam you and you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time. 

Meanwhile, browse our book offerings. We’ve got Lost Ottawa, Book One and Lost Ottawa, Book Two. Now there’s a Book Three!

If you haven’t done it already, you can also join the Lost Ottawa community on Facebook.

Problems with the download?

If you didn’t get the email, check your spam folder. It can happen. Even to Lost Ottawa!

Have the email, but still can’t download the files? Click on the link at the top of the email that says “view this email in your browser.” Right click on the link and choose the option that says “save the link” or something similar (the wording is different in different browswers). That should do the trick.




Check out Lost Ottawa, Book One

Check out Lost Ottawa, Book Two